Years passed and the Germans made this font not become so common for printing, since by containing large and very thick strokes, made it quite difficult to read and was not a good choice in reading. At that time, Gothic typefaces were used regularly to print bibles and other types of books, until years later the first brochures and papers began to be printed with these types of fonts. Years later, what we know as variants emerged, and today they are the main ones in their groups, such as the famous Fraktur typeface. Old English typography evolved on a large scale in the West until the mid-XNUMXth century.

The story goes back when, after being created, it was used in one of the first books that were printed, and that were part of Gutenberg. Besides, It also highlights some characters like Gutenberg, which you have probably already heard of in the world of printing and typography creation. It is a font that leaves nothing to be desired, that contains years and years of history and that it is interesting that we show it to you since you will understand its use and applications that have been part of its evolution.

And for this reason, whenever we find an old book, we usually appreciate and see this typography represented in them. Old English typography too represented much of the religion of the time, being the protagonist of numerous bibles.An aspect that is quite accentuated in its forms. To do this, we have to go back to the first inventions and their growth. As you will see below, it is one of the fountains that contains a lot of history inside.

Without a doubt, it is a wonder of typography that has not gone out of style. It is a design that combines very well large headlines, which makes it possible for viewers to decipher it and see it from great distances.